Why We Do What We Do

“All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth” is a cute little Christmas song, and it’s sort of related to dentistry.

The truth is, that silly little song is one of the reasons I got into this business.

To Help People

I became a dentist so that I could help people. I think that’s why most dentists are in this line of work. Whether it’s with veneers or bonding or crowns, transforming someone’s smile makes a dramatic change. It actually changes the way a person feels about him- or herself at the most basic level.

When we feel better about ourselves, we start to see the world a little differently. We start making healthier choices. We attract good things into our lives.

I love being a part of that process!

Photo-Ready Smiles

We put together this video of one recent smile transformation.

If you are waiting for Santa to deliver your two front teeth, you can just give me a call. It’s an honour to be your dentist and part of making your smile that much brighter!

~Dr. Chai (a.k.a. Dr. Tooth!)

Dr. Tooth


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