What You Need to Know About Your Child’s Breathing

Sleep apnea is a very common problem that most people don’t realize they have until someone else happens to notice they’ve stopped breathing, or they wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air, disrupting their sleeping patterns.

Sleep apnea isn’t just something that adults suffer from; it affects as many as three out of every one hundred children and can be linked to medical conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also cause learning challenges, interruption in regular growth cycles, and a whole list of other health concerns.

This short video describes how sleep apnea works, and what some treatment options might be for your child.

If you are concerned about whether your child suffers from sleep apnea, there are children’s sleep specialists who can run the proper tests and offer treatment options.

If one of those options has to do with the structure of your child’s mouth, or teeth, come into our office so we can do a full evaluation to see if a dental appliance is something that your child would benefit from.

Here is a bonus video sharing the successful story of a young boy who was able to correct his sleep apnea with the use of an oral retainer.


We can fit your child with the right appliance to provide a healthy night’s rest and potentially avoid an invasive surgery.

~Dr. Chai (a.k.a. Dr. Tooth!)

Dr. Tooth


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