A Video Update From Dr. Chai – COVID – April 7 2020

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Here’s a transcript from the video in case you’d rather read it than watch it:

Hi everyone. Dr. Jesse chai here, your friendly neighborhood dentist from Bradford family dentistry with a special message to our valued patients. So we are on week four of the COVID pandemic crisis in Ontario. And to be honest, I was hoping everything will be back to normal by now, but it looks like we may be at least another month before everything’s back to normal. So I wanted to touch base with all my patients on what has been going on with Bradford Family Dentistry since this pandemic started. Before that, I want to give a shout out to all the frontline workers who are keeping us safe at this time. The police, fire department, paramedics, personal support workers and of course our doctors and nurses and hospital workers, thank you for everything you’re doing and keeping us safe at this time.


For Bradford Family Dentistry, I just want you to let you know we are open for emergencies. Most of my dentist friends have closed their offices. But my Bradford Family Dentistry my team and I made the conscious decision to keep the doors open to those who need us during this time. Hospitals are not equipped for dental emergencies, but we are, and we want to keep as many people from going to the hospital unnecessarily as we can. So for our patients and for our community, we decided to stay open and we’re here to help. If you know anyone, yourself, your friends, your family that has a dental emergency, toothache pain, infection in your mouth, just give us a call. Of course for the safety of others, our team, other patients, and the community at large, If you have flu-like symptoms, please stay home, and if there’s any way we can help you over the phone, we will definitely do so.


I wanted to share some great news for everyone. Our lovely hygienist, Erica, has given birth to baby Isabelle at six pounds and seven ounces on March 15th. They’re both at home, doing well, safe and sound, and we’re hoping by summer everything’s settled down and Erica can bring Isabelle in for a nice visit.


Lastly, I want to let you know that I know this COVID situation is not ideal. It’s not ideal for me. Of course, this has disrupted everything we know, it’s disruptive our businesses, it’s disruptive our schools, it’s disrupted our personal lives and our ability to do, all the things that we love to enjoy outside. So I want you to let you know that we’re all in this together. We’re all in the same boat and we’re going to get through this together, ironically, by staying apart. But we’re going to get through this together.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be sending out some helpful tips you can do to help you manage through the COVID crisis. So look out for those videos online and in your email inbox. And in the meantime, please stay safe, stay healthy, and as much as you can, stay isolated.

I’m Dr. Jesse chai, you’re friendly neighborhood dentist from Bradford Family Dentistry.


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