Jaw Problems

Solutions To Diagnose And Relieve TMJ/TMD and Jaw Pain

OVERBITE is when the top front teeth seriously overlap the bottom teeth. An overbite can cause damage to the upper gums and may lead to a problem with the structure of the teeth. Correction can be done from age 10 and on.

TMJ – JAW PAIN can be in the jaw joints, muscles or both but mostly it is in the muscles of the lower jaw. It is vital to see a dentist right away so he can assess the situation and deal with it the best way possible.

Issues like these have a habit of escalating quickly. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in jaw, please let us know when you call so we book you in for the earliest possible appointment that works for you. If you suspect or have concerns that you may have the signs of Jaw Joint Problems let us know when you call: 1-877-283-0497

An overbite or a malocclusion, as it’s known in dental circles, is when your upper teeth jut way out...

TMJ Treatment is probably the most controversial field in dentistry, so the following is based...

Facial Development is an important aspect of general body growth, which means any congenital malformations such as a cleft palate...

What is bruxism? Don’t you wish dentists would just say ‘grinding your teeth?’ Then we would know what it is right away and what to look for when...

We are conveniently located one block west of Highway 11 near the Old Bradford Library.

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Monday: 8:30am to 7pm
Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
Thursday: 9am to 7pm 
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed