Preventative Care

The Best Dental Care Is Preventative Care

Preventative Care should begin at the earliest age possible with the parents taking the lead by being an example for their children.  Good dental hygiene and care can be a game for young children as they see smiles while brushing and flossing are being done.  Learning all this at a young age will stay with people forever.

People have two sets of teeth throughout life, the primary (baby) teeth and the secondary (permanent) teeth.  Even though the baby teeth will be gone by around age six or so, it is important to start caring for your baby’s teeth as soon as they start coming in.  Preventative dental hygiene is also to make sure that the gums stay healthy also.

Preventative Dental Care - Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth Dental Care

Practicing preventative care with the baby teeth will ensure that this care will continue on when the permanent teeth come in and when it is a pleasant experience, it will be done regularly.  Wisdom teeth are the last to come in which makes for thirty two teeth in the mouth but since the mouth is too small for thirty two teeth, the wisdom teeth are usually removed.

Talk to your dentist about bringing your children with you on a regular visit for Preventative Care.  This will help to ensure they are comfortable enough with dental visits to continue on with them throughout life.  Preventative Care involves a number of things that your dentist can do and that can be done at home.

Regular Dental Checkups For Healthier Teeth

Preventative Care gives the dentist the opportunity of catching any sign of gum disease at the very beginning and he can then help prevent inflammation, tooth loss and bone damage.  Good dental hygiene can also help you to take care of sensitive teeth and bleeding gums.  The dentist will also check the tooth enamel to see if it is wearing down and, if so, take steps to re-build it.

Regular oral dental checkups also lets your dentist examine your bite to make sure it meets properly and to correct any problems right at the beginning.  He will also teach you how to care for canker sores that can cause pain but can be reduced with the proper care.

For good preventative care, you should visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning.  He will screen for oral cancer and also do a jaw joint exam to make sure it is aligned properly.  Preventative dentistry, on the first visit, involves taking a complete medical and dental history.

A Complete Dental Checkup Is Good For Prevention

The primary checkup then involves a complete examination of the teeth and gums, an oral screening and any necessary x-rays.  The dentist will also look at any cosmetic issues that may exist.  The visits for Preventative Care are made as stress free and painless as possible.

Brush Your Teeth 

With preventative care, the dentist can whiten your teeth, close gaps in them and also repair any chipped or broken teeth.  Good oral hygiene also involves daily brushing and flossing to prevent the buildup of food in your teeth which causes bad breath.  Always use a toothbrush with soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste.

For great dental care it is important to use small circular motions when brushing as this reaches food that is under the gum line.  Dentists advise to brush four times daily – in the morning after breakfast, after lunch or school, after dinner and at bedtime.  It is also very important in Preventative Care to replace your toothbrush once the bristles start to wear down or fray.

Don't Swallow Your Toothpaste

Do not swallow your toothpaste and be sure to rinse thoroughly with water after brushing.  To take the best care of your teeth, use dental floss to remove any food and plaque from between them.  Floss after every meal, if possible, and be sure to floss at least once a day, especially at night.

With Preventative Care, teeth will remain healthy for a very long time and any problems will be dealt with quickly and painlessly by the dentist.

Book An Appointment Today To Make Sure Your Mouth Stays Healthy!

We are conveniently located one block west of Highway 11 near the Old Bradford Library.

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Monday: 8:30am to 7pm
Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
Thursday: 9am to 7pm 
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed