Lefroy Dentist

When it comes to dental implants, a visit to our Lefroy dentist in Bradford may just be what you need. Study shows that most patients become more confident in themselves after getting dental implants.  Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacement inserted into the jaw bone with a subsequent crown placed on top. Our clinic offers services in dental implantation. Each one is carefully performed by our dentists, and are designed to provide you with high functionality and a perfect smile.

Dental Implants can also serve as a reliable base for dentures and also help reduce the rate of bone atrophy, so our Lefroy  area dentist encourages older patients to choose this procedure for replacing missing teeth. When faced with the loss of one or more teeth it can be embarrassing, and creating a replacement that is identical in appearance to your natural teeth should be your first choice. Despite the quality construction of bridges, the adjacent teeth are permanently ground down to provide anchors for the bridge. So, the most effective way of replacing missing teeth is with dental implants.

During your dental implant procedure, your Lefroy dentist ensures the implant is firmly securing in the jawbone, which helps transmit chewing pressure on the bone and not on the adjacent teeth or gums. Dental implants are made of biologically inert materials and have a special surface, so that when placed they take the form of a teeth root in the jaw bone, because of this chewing load is evenly distributed over the entire jaw. Below are few reasons why you should consider Dental implants:

  • Comfort – dentures can be very uncomfortable
  • Durability – as strong as your other teeth
  • Appearance – the teeth are identical in appearance to natural teeth
  • Even distribution of chewing pressure
  • Prevention of atrophy of the jawbone
  • Prosthesis does not require preparation of other healthy teeth

In order for your implants to last for many years, it is essential that you maintain healthy oral care procedures and regular dentist checkups. Our dental team is ready to assist you before and after your implant procedure, so you can have the confidence you will be given quality care through the entire process. We aim to make you feel as comfortable as you would right at home.

In connection with the new developments and the increasing popularity of dental implants, our greater Lefroy dentist is ready to provide you with the best implants at an affordable price; this allows you to restore your teeth quickly and efficiently.  To date dental implant replacement is still the best alternative to traditional prosthetics.  To learn more about this procedure,  other alternatives to tooth loss, and any other dental treatment, feel free to browse the website, or call us for more information: 905-775-5307.